人は誰しも秘密を抱え、思い煩う。たとえばそれが、他人には理解し難い性的嗜好なら尚――。“生理血嗜好、加虐性愛、妊婦性愛、人形性愛”これはカフェ「statice」に訪れた性的倒錯者(パラフィリアン)による、裸の告白。 Somewhere there is a strange café called “Statice” where all sorts of even stranger people meet, each with a very special and different fetish. The owner, Mr. Sennichi, welcomes these special customers every day, and tries to help them solve their fetish related problems.
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偏愛カフェ 第12話, 偏愛カフェ 第13話, 偏愛カフェ raw いつ, 偏愛カフェ 漫画raw, 偏愛カフェ raw