大切だから、コワシタイ。 レイコ、カズ、ユカリは仲の良い幼なじみ3人組。家族同然の関係…とレイコは自分に言い聞かせ、カズへの恋心を押し殺してきた。いっぽうで、ユカリもまたカズへと想いを寄せていた。そしてある日をきっかけに、3人の関係は次第に狂い始めていくのであった……。衝撃必至の青春サイコラブストーリー!! Reiko, Kazu and Yukari are three childhood friends with a good relationship. Reiko, the self-proclaimed older sister of the group, tells herself that they are like family, and throws away her love for Kazu. As for Yukari, she also has feelings for Kazu. Thus, one day, the relationship between the three begins its gradual descent into madness… A shocking psycho-love story between young people begins!!
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